Does Posting Regularly On Social Media Help with My Website’s SEO?
Does Posting Regularly On Social Media Help with My Website’s SEO?

Does Posting Regularly On Social Media Help with My Website’s SEO?

There’s no denying the power of social media and its reach. Not only does it help in personal lives in myriad ways, social media is a big part of online marketing today. Here at Warrington Web Design, we completely believe in the power of social media.

We all know what social reach can do. But do you also wonder whether social sharing can help your website’s rankings? What role does it play if at all any?

As early as 2010, people did notice there’s some link between social shares and ranking. However, proving it is harder than saying so.

Here are some ways social sharing for SEO helps your website’s visibility.

External Links

When you post a link from your website to social media platforms, it results in a backlink. So the more you post on social media including Facebook and Twitter, the more backlinks you garner.

That’s one part of the story.

However, you need to have good quality content to start with. You won’t be able to attract a lot of links otherwise.

So essentially speaking, social media acts as your broadcast channel. If you have useful and original content, it will bring in a lot of clicks and views to your site.

You can further enhance your visibility by making use of hashtags. This way, you can enhance your social reputation and establish your authority and maximise the number of external links.

Social Post Engagement

According to Moz, there’s a huge connection between your post’s engagement and search engine click through rates. The higher the engagement, the higher is the organic CTR.

Going by this claim, it can be safely said that high social media engagement is a strong signal.

After all, Google wants to deliver the best results for every search query that’s carried out. Google aims to find the most relevant and the most useful content for every search result.

Google looks to social engagement as one of the factors in determining the relevance, usefulness and authority of a post. The higher the social engagement, the higher is the authority rating that Google gives to a particular page/link.

Use this to your advantage.

Take the time to write high quality, engaging content. And share it on your Facebook feed. When your post receives high user engagement (likes, comments and shares), Facebook displays it to a lot more users. This increased visibility in turn increases user engagement and so on.

Warrington Web Design Can Help

Whether you need an SEO friendly website or a custom SEO campaign, Warrington Web Design has you covered. Contact us today to discuss you requirements.



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