WordPress V Drupal – What’s Right For Your Website’s Needs
WordPress V Drupal – What’s Right For Your Website’s Needs

WordPress V Drupal – What’s Right For Your Website’s Needs

Web design is a competitive business globally and locally, controlling currently 24 percent of the market share when it comes to web design, WordPress is unequivocally the world’s most popular site building tool. WordPress had its initial release in 2003 and since then has continued to grow at a steady rate. Released three years prior to WordPress was a similar content management system (CMS) Drupal, WordPress however has almost ten times the user base of Drupal. Is this because it’s ten times better? Warrington Web Design are here to provide insight into 4 key areas that should be considered when choosing between these two different systems.

User Friendliness

 Warrington Web Design works exclusively with WordPress which is famed for its speedy learning curve, with users being able to master the basic functions of building sites with relative ease and in a short amount of time. This is great if a user is building a site themselves or taking over the reins from their developer later in the process. Drupal cannot rival WordPress in terms of user friendliness, which is partly why Drupal developers are so sort after (and well paid!).

SEO Functionality

Both CMS’s offer powerful SEO capabilities, with both systems being constantly developed to build sites that will land you higher in the search engine rankings. As both CMS are sufficient in driving traffic as long as the site is constantly producing new content, this is a close one. Warrington Web Design will have to side with WordPress on this one, the reason being we believe it to be easier to consistently produce content for SEO purposes on WordPress.


WordPress is without a doubt the cheaper option for your web design needs, the CMS is free to download and does not require you to download any plug ins/themes to get started. Drupal does require plug ins or ‘modules’ to justify its use- this has the potential to get costly. As we cater to many local businesses in Warrington, we find the more affordable we design option is better suited for businesses without huge budgets.


With WordPress dominating such a huge amount of the market share, it comes as to no surprise there is an enormous community who are dedicated to improving the CMS. One major benefit of having such an active and supportive community is that if you ever need help in any aspect of web development, you will not be short of agencies such as Warrington Web Design who are ready to help by imparting with their expertise. Drupal in comparison to WordPress has a small community with (as I mentioned earlier) developers and experts being hard to come by.

The Verdict

It cannot be denied that Drupal offers developers complex tools in the way of modules, which can be used to build advanced functioning websites. However, Drupal’s less user friendly nature and potentially expensive features make it less accessible to the masses.

Web Design Warrington create bespoke, purpose built websites with the intention of our clients being able to understand our builds and if they wish to eventually take over creative control. This is the reason we work exclusively with WordPress. If you believe your company’s website could benefit from our web development expertise in, get in touch for a chat about what we could do for you.



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