Secrets To Improving Your Website
Secrets To Improving Your Website

Secrets To Improving Your Website

You need to leave a first great impression whenever the visitors come to your website. No visitor will have the patience to entertain a slow and cluttered website. You have only a few seconds to impress all your new visitors. The first impression will determine if they will stay or ever come back on your site again. You need to know the secrets on how to improve your website in the following ways:

Adding Value Proposition

The value proposition is also called the mission statement. It tells your visitor about the things that you do and the reason behind you doing it. If it is possible, ensure that you place the value proposition on the homepage under the headline. Start adding it to your about page or blog. You have to let your visitors know about what they will get by hiring you. It includes them purchasing your product, reading your blog, and subscribing to the newsletter.

Site Navigation

Website navigation enables users to find the things that they want. It also helps website owners to rank higher within the search engine rankings. You need to utilise a descriptive type of navigation rather than a generic text saying “What We Do.” Utilise words, which your visitors might use and the words that the visitors search for. It assists search engines in indicating your relevance.

CTA Text

The Call to Action is a requirement for your online business. It enables the interested users to click on your products or services. Without a CTA, your potential clients will be left clueless on what to do next. Utilise the first-person voice for letting the visitors tell the CTA button on what to do. You can use contrasting colours or locate an accent for your CTA buttons.


Different people have varying opinions on whether you should or shouldn’t utilise carousels on their sites. You need to make your decision by taking a look at the context and data on which they are being used. It should also be relevant to all your users. You have to realise that user interaction tends to decrease after the 1st slide. So, if you are considering using carousels for your website, ensure that you keep 2-3 at most.

Social Proof

Now you can also utilise social proof for enticing visitors to start signing up for the newsletter. You can also start downloading an eBook. You can have influences from the industry to give a testimonial or quote.

Testimonial Pages

Yes, you need to advertise all the great testimonials from your clients on your website. Your potential visitors should see all the good things that your previous clients had to say about you. You need to scatter these testimonials all throughout your website. If you utilise video testimonials or case studies, ensure that you are tucking them in there. You can also tuck them on the product pages.

Team Pages

Your potential clients would want to know more about you. It will allow them to trust you and carry out their affairs with you. So, it is imperative to let the client know about the team behind your company. Your visitors should fully know about who they are dealing with. When you utilise an individual type of team page, you have the opportunity to rank within the search engines. If all the team members of your business are on a single page, Google will fail at knowing which individual to rank that specific page for.



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