Dispelling Some of the Most Common SEO Marketing Myths
Dispelling Some of the Most Common SEO Marketing Myths

Dispelling Some of the Most Common SEO Marketing Myths

Warrington Web Design is a web design and SEO Warrington agency. We help business owners market their services online through innovative web design, SEO and other online marketing methods.

SEO is fast becoming the go to choice for businesses that want to create online exposure for their brand and drive traffic towards their website.

As SEO becomes more and more popular, the volume of myths relating to SEO is increasing, to the point that would be SEO’ers barely know what to believe and what not to believe.

So, how do you know what to believe and what not to believe?

Warrington Web Design is here to dispel some of the most popular SEO myths.

The More Inbound Links the Better  

One of the most common myths relating to SEO is that the more inbound links you can attach to your website, the better it will rank with Google and other search engines.

The reality is, that this is only partly true. Inbound links are now ranked according to quality rather than quantity so the old black hat SEO practice of link farming has becoming unrewarding and may actually demerit your website.

Rather than focusing on the amount of links, those wishing to optimise should turn their attention to the quality of the links they are attaching, using only genuine and non spam links.

Keyword Rich Domains Are Optimised

In the past, domains that contained keywords and search terms would be optimised in favour of domains/ URLS that did not contain keywords.

For example, if you wanted your website to rank for ‘Salford Cleaning Company’, in the past owning the domain www.salfordcleaningcompany.co.uk would have been a sure fire way to reach the top of search engines.

However, websites are now ranked on authority and other SEO Warrington merit, so you need not worry if all the domain names with your keyword included are bought up!

You Need to Submit Your Website to Search Engines

In the former and early stages of search engines, this was in fact the case. However, nowadays search engines such as Google will crawl and index your website automatically.

If there is a form of connection from your website to another, it will be picked up even quicker and indexed sooner.

This does not mean that being indexed will automatically give you high rankings but it does mean that you have the first step in the SEO Warrington ladder out the way.

SEO is All About Deceiving and Tricking

 This one could not be further from the truth. SEO nowadays when done properly, is all about building and developing your website through good practices such as genuine loink building and content creation.

Speak to Your Warrington SEO Experts Today

If you have any more questions or concerns regarding SEO, feel free to contact your SEO Warrington experts Warrington Web Design today.

We can help you plan and coordinate a strategy for good practice SEO, get in touch today.



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