What Is The Ideal Length For The Perfect Blog Post?

What Is The Ideal Length For The Perfect Blog Post?

Recent blogging trends indicate that a blog post’s length combined with the substance or value proposition goes a long way. An individual’s amount of time on a particular post determines whether it ranks for the popular keywords and whether the SEO strategy is on point.

Deciding which is the optimum length of a blog post is all about numbers and the related statistics. It is challenging for anyone to decide on a specific size as a suitable attribute for a blog post.

Though many factors matter more than the length of a blog post, it is always better to know the target audience’s response and behavioural attributes that vary with differing blog posts’ lengths. By understanding both of these factors, you can easily leverage and gain traction for your blog post.

Let us take a closer look at your goals and intent, which in turn contribute a great deal to the ideal length of a perfect blog post:

Increase in engagement levels

If you are looking at capturing the attention of the crowds and increasing the engagement levels, then it is ideal for writing blog posts with the sole purpose of chalking out discussion points.

Considering the rapid decline in an individual’s attention span, people are interested in visually appealing insights and videos rather than long-form content. They rather spend a minute on a short (approximately 200-300 words) blog post than spend their time on lengthy posts.

Over the past few years, the Google algorithm has also favoured shorter posts, and it generally does better in ranking and SEO. You can get people commenting, but a share or widespread movement of the blog post is, nonetheless, strenuous.

So, you can think about writing succinct posts when it comes to getting discussion points ready for the crowds.

Promotion on social media

Does your brand need more attention on the respective social media handles, or is your niche waiting to set the share button on fire? The answer lies in the tactics taken to promote the brand presence online.

Blogs are an excellent way to redirect attention to the social media feed. Further, it helps to repurpose content under different categories depending upon the need of the day.

After evaluating the reports from Google, findings indicate that medium-length posts work well for the social networks. Social media users on sites like Twitter and Facebook have the general inclination to click the share button on medium posts.

Though the length of the posts (500-1500 words) is ideal for sharing purposes, it is better to focus on other prominent factors like context, references, and headline. The blog post title attracts the audience, and the plot, along with the writing style, holds the audience’s attention.

Enhanced traffic on search engines like Google

Is the primary purpose of your blog post to drive traffic to your website? Sometimes the poorly functioning sites get a boost with a strategically written post or guest blogging too.

When your point of emphasis is driving the website traffic, all you need to master is the on-page SEO techniques. In today’s times, numerous tools help improve the search volume and hit the target.

When it comes to search engines like Google, they favour long posts. Such posts appear many times in the keyword research statistics and searching for a particular term due to long-tail keywords.

Further, many words present, such as 1500-3000 words, make a huge difference. The key to making it big in this domain is patience. Sooner than later, you will notice a marked rise in the numbers and the traffic will also improve.

Since we know what makes a blog post, let us look at the different lengths of the blogs available:

Extremely short blogs

These types of posts fall in the range of 50-200 words. They are concise and are ideal for stirring up discussions. Garnering attention and getting comments is also quite simple.

Short blogs

The second category of posts has a word limit varying from 300 words to 600 words. Though they’re still too short for trends like link-building and search engine mapping, it is an average word limit for increasing engagement levels and even gets a share on the social media feed.

Medium length blogs

The average length of blogs is top-rated and considered the optimum length for writing up blog posts. After all, the value of a good blog post is determined by how much information it can convey within the given word limit. Such mid-sized blog posts are usually 700-1000 words long.

Long blogs

Here enter the lengthy blogs with a maximum word limit of 1000-2000 words. Hence, you gain online traction in no small way and enhance the post’s performance with SEO and appropriate keyword research.

Extremely long blogs

Next is the grand entry of the blog posts spearheaded by the long-form blogs, which work as a whole. Whether it’s driving search engine traffic or building landing page credibility, this category hits the nail and never misses. Your targets and all the information gets covered with the comprehensive nature of the blogs.

Blogging is all about gaining attention and building an audience online. There are many perceptions about various attributes of a blog post. Even the experts have different viewpoints when it comes to blogging. Some believe it should be short, while some want it to be long-form content.

The length of the blog post can vary a great deal depending upon a variety of factors. With the declining attention span, bloggers know that the target audience prefers a concise overview of a topic but then again, substance holds a higher ground than anything else.

Summing Up

There is no ideal length of a blog post. All you need is extensive research and a clear outline of your intent. Once you’re aware of the blog post’s purpose, you can easily tweak the characteristics and fit them in your guidelines for writing the perfect blog post.



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